The headless crock wearers in the hallway today are Mr. Moore, Wyatt, and Grant. #NighthawkProud
Hello Families,
Today is the final day of our Safety Week and we will be participating in an evacuation drill. Only used in significant emergency situations, evacuations are just that-we leave the school campus. Today we will be back to normal no later than 9:45, having completed the drill in its entirety by then.
Again, just like all other drills this week, it has been clearly communicated to students that today's evacuation is a drill. All week, students and staff have been reviewing how each drill/situation would be handled from each classroom and area of the building.
Thank you,
Dr. D
Good Afternoon Oakesdale Families,
Normally when a fire drill occurs, you don't receive a notice from me. However, in keeping with the safety week communications, we are communicating that today was a fire drill and all went fine.
Following the fire drill, I did have a discussion with the middle and high school students about the swatting hoaxes that have gone on around the area and state. I communicated the importance of everyone paying attention to social media posts, emails, texts, and pretty much any other communication method-and to tell someone if they see any kind of threat, whether it be vague or not.
Further, I explained the importance of paying attention to behaviors of friends and others they know, whether from here or anywhere else-and if someone is "off" to please tell someone.
In the last several months, from last year to this, I have mailed several pieces of information regarding hoaxes around the local area and state. Please continue to pay attention that, and please let us know if you hear or see anything.
Thank you,
Dr. D
Today's drill was a Shelter in Place. Today's drill was focused on if there was an exterior threat, such as a chemical spill in town; toxic fumes/gas in the air. Shelter in place involves students staying in classrooms, doors and windows being sealed, and no movement in or between buildings.
Just like each previous day, when the shelter in place was announced, it was clearly announced as a drill.
Thank you,
Dr. D
Don't forget to order your Tobra coffee!! Orders are due Friday. See a Junior if you are interested. #NighthawkProud
Good Morning Oakesdale Families,
This week is Safety Week at the Oakesdale School District. Each day of the week, we will be practicing various drills associated our emergency operations procedures. Students have been informed of what we will be doing this week and why we are practicing.
Drills this week will include:
Earthquake, Secure and Teach, Lockdown, Shelter in Place, Fire, and Evacuation.
Safety Week will happen on a quarterly basis and is for staff and students alike to remain familiar with our procedures, and continue to improve our processes.
Thank you,
Dr. D
It's a COFFEE FUNDRAISER!!! See a junior to order your coffee!! Are you a Keurig user? We have you your coffee and a reusable k-cup, too. #NighthawkProud
Oakesdale welcomed the Montana Grizzlies to the football field today! #gogrizz #NighthawkProud
Congrats to the Colfax Bulldogs on their win yesterday, beating Kettle Falls 56-20 in Colfax at their last home game of the season. Still some games on the road to go. Pictured is the Oakesdale contingent of the Bulldogs-Wyatt, Ryker, Daxton, Charlie, and Grant. #colfaxbulldogs #NighthawkProud
The Traveling Trophy winners....7th Grade!!! #NighthawkProud
What are you doing October 28th? Dust off your shoes, dress up in that costume (or running clothes), and come enjoy the country air and good company at the Wheat Land Classic Pumpkin Pounce! We look forward to seeing you at the starting line!
Pumpkin Pounce Details
Location: Start at the Oakesdale Park
Date: October 28th, 2023
Start Time: 9:15 am
Register at:
The Pumpkin Pounce is a fundraiser for the Oakesdale track team! #NighthawkProud
Thursday night is Pink Night! Wear your pink and come support the Nighthawk Volleyball team as they play Pomeroy at 6pm in the Oakesdale gym. #NighthawkProud
How Mrs. Westacott and the juniors sent everyone home on Tuesday...Free Hugs and Free High Fives! #NighthawkProud
Today is Taste Washington Day! Thank you to the Ag classes/ FFA and Mr. and Mrs. Moore for the fun morning. #NighthawkProud
We are a day late in celebrating...Happy Belated School Custodian Day to Blake and Marcus!!! From event set up, to building things, to keeping the school yard the daily stuff too, we cannot thank each of you enough! #NighthawkProud
As part of our morning announcments, we announce whatever fun/silly national holiday it is. Today is one we never heard of before...National Don't Call Your Kids in Day! Said with sarcasm and love :). #NighthawkProud
Congrats to the 6th grade for winning the Traveling Trophy for the second week in a row! Competition was fierce as the 7th grade and 8th grade were close. #NighthawkProud
"What is the dance circle, Mr. Dingman?" Has been a common question since I started posting the pics and videos. My's a fun way to start the morning. Music in the hallway, and if you're in the circle, you dance. Nobody has to do it, but everyday we have many who do. There are those who dance daily and others who join sometimes. We do it most mornings and it is a great start to the day. This picture is from today 💙. (Photo credit to Mrs. Fleming) #NighthawkProud
Nighthawk gear is for sale! See a senior, visit, or go to to see what is available and place your order. The sale ends on October 23rd. #NighthawkProud
Today the school honored Mr. & Mrs. Moore as we celebrated National Teach Ag Day #TeachAg. This morning's photo was stolen from their personal social media pages; this one is compliments of the school 😊💙. Nathan and Jessica, we really can't thank you enough. #NighthawkProud