Hello! We had a great turnout for registration and school photos today. If you were unable to make it, no problem. The office is open daily at 9am and there will be a photo makeup day soon. Registration is closed for the day today. Have a great weekend. #NighthawkProud
Hello Everyone!
It is that time...time to think about school registration and the date everyone is waiting for, the first day of school. Please visit www.gonighthawks.net, NEWS, for the latest Hawk Tawk with all the start of school information. #NighthawkProud
Come support the Oakesdale FFA at the Old Mill Days Pancake Breakfast #Nighthawk Proud
Congrats to Shakaya Jackman who was this year's Books for Bikes winner. Today, Shakaya went bike shopping and her brother Silas got to come along. Thank you to the Masons for sponsoring this annual event and supporting the young readers of Oakesdale. #NighthawkProud
The new floor is here! Several weeks of work to go. #NighthawkProud
The bleacher crew! Not everyone is in the picture...but thank you to all of you who worked a long and physical day. Holy smokes...they're out!
The bleacher removal crew has been busy today! Thank you to Paul Goyke, John Jeffries, Cory Lisenbee, Carl Crider, Steve Crider, Austin Goyke, Jackson Perry, Matt Hockett, Kit Hockett, and Charlie Henning. #NighthawkProud
The work in the gym has started. Old side hoops down; new going up. Old main court backboards also being replaced. This is only the beginning of a summer of work in the gym. Stay tuned for more updates. #NighthawkProud
Congrats to Dane! #NighthawkProud
Graduation 2023!
The shuttle bench is ready. 🚕
Please bring lawn chairs. 🪑
Gift boxes are filling. 🎁
Let's celebrate the Class of 2023. 🎓
Fat fingers. Graduation at 11am 😂
We are ready! Graduation on the football field at 11am.
A shuttle from the cafeteria doors to the field seating will be available starting at 10am. Look for Marcus driving the school Chevy Malibu. That's the shuttle. There will be a bench by the doors to wait.
There are chairs and bleacher seating but friends and families are encouraged to bring lawn/camping chairs.
Please share this information. Thank you! Can't wait to celebrate the Class if 2023. #NighthawkProud.
Graduation Info! For those needing assistance getting to the seating on the football field for graduation, Marcus will be providing a shuttle from the cafeteria doors to the seats. He will be in the school car (grey Chevy Malibu) and the shuttle will begin at 10am. Please let friends and family know.
Also, there are chairs and bleacher seating available; it may not be a bad idea to bring a camping chair too.
Looking forward to a great day! #NighthawkProud
Day 96 of the Senior Trip. 😀 This has been a fun group so we are kidding on how long it has seemed. Took a cruise on the lake after going out to breakfast and we've all found our chosen lakefront "cabins." Timing was perfect as we docked and got to the restaurant, the sky opened up. At the restaurant I was ambushed with a sombrero and birthday wishes 😂🤷♂️ thanks to my 8 children 😂. A night of pizza (only after Shelly and I went to the wrong place) and movies.
Senior Trip Adventures:
Day 1 was yesterday, the travel day from Oakesdale to McCall, ID. Traveling with 8 seniors in 2 vehicles is always a good time. Shelly and I learned a lot. Great house, great location, laid back evening.
Day 2, today. Hiking the Mainline Trail at Jug Mountain Ranch. A nice 5.6 mile (round trip) jaunt that took us to Upper Jug Creek Reservoir. Photos from the start of the hike and when we got to the reservoir. Roaming town, beach games, and eating are the remaining plans for today.
Really fun group and having a fun time. #NighthawkProud
The 2023 Community Calendars are here! If you ordered one, you can pick them up anytime during school hours. Tell your friends they're here. #NighthawkProud
Almost time for the Senior Signing Day! #NighthawkProud
Wednesday is a BIG day!! Senior Signing Day at 1pm in the gym and Senior Send Off at 2pm, in Downtown Oakesdale! #NighthawkProud
Congrats to Mrs. Booth and Mrs. Zornes for a great concert last night. The gym was full (and hot-sorry), for a night of great music from all grades. #NighthawkProud