Group Activity: Happy #MIOSM! Play the piece "Adoration" by Florence Price, an American classical composer. Get into groups of four and stand in a diamond pattern facing the same direction. The person in front improvises nonlocomotor movements in response to the music while the rest of the group shadows them from behind. The leader will turn to the right and make eye contact with the next leader when they are ready to end their motion and pass it off. The diamond should shift in a new direction, and the cycle repeats until the music ends. After the activity, discuss as a group how the elements in the music affected your movement choices, and take some time to learn about the composer! #NCGME #MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
Last week our Math team competed at Eastern WA Univeristy at the Regional Competition. As our students always do, they made Oakesdale proud. Here are their results:
I. Team Problem (giant story problem)
Tie for 1st
3rd place
II. Topical problem (more typical problems)
III. Know Down (kind of like spelling bee that goes math)
*Grace came in 4th, making her the state alternate, and she will go and compete.
State will be at Central WA University in April! Congrats! #NighthawkProud
Group Activity:
Happy #MIOSM! Found object music is a fun and creative way to make music
using everyday items as musical instruments. You can use various items such as
plastic bottles, kitchen utensils, buckets, tools, and cardboard boxes! To get
started, divide into small groups and create a short repeated pattern (ostinato)
using the found objects in the room. Once each group has created their ostinato,
come together as a whole group and perform it. Discuss how it went and if any
changes need to be made. Rehearse, refine, and perform again! #NCGME
#MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
Group Activity:
Happy #MIOSM! The beat in music is often similar to the human heartbeat in that
it maintains a steady pulse. You can play a fun game called "Beat Leader" with an
upbeat song! To start, select one person to be the guesser and have them cover
their eyes. Then choose another person to be the "Beat Leader." When the music
starts playing, the beat leader creates nonlocomotor beat motions, and the rest of
the group copies the movements. The beat leader must try to switch the
movement without being noticed by the guesser. The guesser has three chances
to identify the beat leader. Make sure the beat has a steady pulse! #NCGME
#MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
Research Activity:
Happy #MIOSM! Ever thought about having a job or career in music? It could be
performing or teaching music, but there are lots of other options! How about
writing music for video games or commercials? Careers in music can range from
sound engineering, music therapy, ethnomusicology, instrument repair, and so
much more! Do a little research to see if there is something in the music industry
that interests you. #NCGME #MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
Wheatland Classic is underway! Thank you, OYS! #NighthawkProud
Happy #MIOSM! Steady beat and rhythm patterns are for more than just music –
you and your body perform them all the time every day! From brushing your teeth
to playing games like jump rope and basketball to feeling your heartbeat, steady
beat and rhythms are part of life itself. Things in nature are no different. Find a
time to sit quietly outside and listen to all the things in our world that make a
steady beat or create a rhythmic pattern. #NCGME #MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
Congrats to the 8th grade for their first win of the coveted Traveling Trophy! #NighthawkProud
Discussion Activity:
Happy #MIOSM! Music brings people together! Find someone in your class who
likes the same type of music, artist, or song that you do. Talk about it. What is it
about the music that you both like? How does the music make you feel or how do
the words speak to you? You may have more in common than you think!
#NCGME #MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
Brainstorming Activity:
Happy #MIOSM! Music is used during celebrations all over the world for many
different occasions. From celebrating the opening of the Olympics to your best
friend’s birthday party, music plays an important part. Can you think of a time
recently when you heard music used in a celebration? Why was music important
to the celebration? #NCGME #MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
Brainstorming Activity:
Happy #MIOSM! It’s hard to go anywhere and not hear music. Music is played at
sporting events to get fans and athletes alike excited about the event. What types
of music have you heard at sporting events? #NCGME #MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
Fun Fact:
Happy #MIOSM! Did you know that music has many health benefits? It can lower
stress, help you sleep, improve heart health, improve memory, and so many other
things. Plus, music is just fun! Start listening to different types of music to decide
what type is fun for you! #NCGME #MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
Fun Fact:
Happy #MIOSM! People have always found ways to make music. Did you know
that the oldest flute is nearly 50,000 years old? It is believed to have been made of
bone by Neanderthals and was found in a cave in Slovenia. Can you think of ways
to create an instrument with materials you have? #NCGME #MusicIsMe #NighthawkProud
The state sendoff will be in the GYM at 9:05 this morning.
The band bus will leave by 9:40. The rest of the school will leave by 10:15.
Reminders for upcoming dates!
We are going to Spokane! Congrats to both the girls and boys basketball teams! Both teams play on Wednesday, so we are taking the school to the games!! Everyone is going!! Visit, click NEWS from the menu for the field trip information.
There will be no preschool on Wednesday; there are many other details listed in the information in the NEWS on the website. Check it out. Information will be sent home on Monday, too. #NighthawkProud
Senior Citizen lunch for Wednesday, Feb. 28th is cancelled due to the state basketball tournament. It will be back next week on March 6th. Please spread the word. Thank you. #NighthawkProud
Tonight's final middle school volleyball game will be against GarPal, in Oakesdale. It will begin at 4:30; there will be only one game, however as many sets will be played as possible. Let's celebrate the great middle school season! #NighthawkProud
This will be a fun week! Excited to see what shows up in the parking lot on Thursday 🚜 #NighthawkProud
The 7th grade won the Traveling Trophy last week!! #NighthawkProud