Oakesdale vs Pomeroy, Tuesday, January 16th!
BJV: 3:30
GV: 5:00
BV: 6:30
Visit the cafeteria for the Junior Class Dinner, chili dogs, and concessions. #NighthawkProud
The Pomeroy game has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 16th. We will not play Odessa; Odessa canceled and that will not be rescheduled. Please, as always, check the printable schedule on the website and the app for the most up to date game schedule and times. #NighthawkProud
Tonight's game against Pomeroy has been cancelled. The game will be rescheduled. #NighthawkProud
We will know by noon if Pomeroy will make the trip for tonight's basketball game. As soon as we know, we will spread the word :). #NighthawkProud
Weds. Night Basketball vs Wellpinit
Boys C Squad 3:30
BJV 4:15
GV 5:45
BV 7:15
Dinner and concessions available. Dinner menu is a chicken sandwich, chips, and brownies for $6.
Check the app and printable schedule on the website for the most up to date times.
Good Morning! Reminder to families that if your children need coats, we have free coats for anyone who needs one. No questions asked, just come take one off the rack by the office. If a size is needed that is not there, just let us know. Let's enjoy the snow :) #NighthawkProud
We congratulate the seniors on their winning of the Traveling Trophy! It was a close one this week. #NighthawkProid
Welcome Back! School starts at 9am on Wednesday, January 3rd, a normal late start schedule. #NighthawkProud
Thank you to Cory Lisenbee for getting the state championship banners up! The gym looks great! #NighthawkProud
Oakesdale vs Colton-TONIGHT
Varsity Girls at 6pm
Varsity Boys at 7:30pm
Tacos for dinner. #NighthawkProud
Hello Families! Anything left in the locker room bins, or lost and found rack will be donated after school on Wednesday. Please have students claim what is theirs. #NighthawkProud
Wednesday, December 20th..NO LATE START!!
All students will leave at noon and the buildng will close for break.
Lost and found items will be donated on Wednesday afternoon, so please check and claim anything that may be yours before then.
Have a great break and see you on January 3rd (a late start day).
Saturday, December 16th-Oakesdale vs TR!!
Join us in Oakesdale for some great basketball and food! #NighthawkProud
From tonight's concert! #NighthawkProud
4-12 grade band concert tonight. Concert starts at 6:30pm. Band musicians, please be in the band room at 6pm. If some middle school/high school band students could be there at 5:45 to help finish setting up the gym, that would be appreciated. See everyone at the concert. #NighthawkProud
The 2023 Washington State Volleyball Coaches Association All State Teams have been announced!
Congratulations to Payton, Samantha, and Brieyn!!
Payton Davis, Player of the Year, First Team
Samantha Holling, First Team
Brieyn Henley, Second Team
HUGE accomplishments!! Congratulations you three!!! #NighthawkProud
ASB officers spent the day volunteering at Santa Express, supporting the kids of
Vanessa Behan Nursery. #NighthawkProud
Tonight is the Elementary Christmas Program for grades PreK-5. Come join the fun in the gym. The program starts at 6:30. #NighthawkProud
Congrats to the Sophomores! Repeat winners of the coveted Traveling Trophy!! #NighthawkProud
It will be a busy night in the gym! Girls JV starts at 3:45 followed by Boys JV, Girls Varsity, and Boys Varsity. Come hungry as the Junior Class will be serving dinner-grilled cheese and tomato soup for $6. Full concession stand, too. Go Nighthawks!! #NighthawkProud